Really, I should pass it on, I don't even recall who gave it to me, or did I buy it myself? It was cheap, so I probably saw it in a pile on a discount table somewhere! I can't recall a time in my adult life that I have not had it. It has been packed and unpacked with each move, placed in to fill tiny gaps amongst my "real" books.
Today as I sit preparing to launch into stage 2 of my English presentation, the essay part, I saw it on my desk. (Somehow it has dislodged from the bookshelf and perched itself on my inner sanctum - my desk!) I opened it to see what inspiration I can draw from its pages and again, I am reminded that it is commonsense. However, the message is one applicable to us all, so I will share it. Being a uni student I am well indoctrinated with referencing and fellow uni folk will know all about this so for those interested, it is from the above mentioned mini book, published by Running Press PA in 1994 p. 24. The photo, a Nakoaktok or Kwakiutl woman is on the opposite side of the page.
"All things in the world are two. In our minds we are two - good and evil. With our eyes we see two things - things that are fair and things that are ugly ... We have the right hand that strikes and makes for evil, and the left hand full of kindness, near the heart. One foot may lead us to an evil way,the other foot may lead us to a good. So are all things two, all two." Eagle Chief {Letakots - Lesa} (late 19th century) Pawnee
This two-ness is an interesting concept and as it turns out, one that has been increasingly obvious to me over the past few weeks. One voice speaks for us to do good, the other justifies why we should do evil. Whilst ever we are thrown between these thoughts, we waste precious time that could be spent actually doing good.
How many times have we sat knowing we have a task to perform but put it off (procrastinate) thinking we just need this or that then we can do it better. Only thing is, by the time we have all these extras, we have no time left to actually do the task well.
This is what I've done with my essay, wanting better information, better what-evers and have wasted a whole lot of time in the process. Maybe it is not exactly evil but it certainly isn't good either.
So, with that in mind, I now venture into my essay writing. Till next time, please feel free to leave comments, I'd love to hear your opinions.